Samstag, 21. August 2010

....keep smiling :)

& you all-, a sunny and beautiful weekend!

....keep smiling :)

Samstag, 14. August 2010

everything handmade, even the silver ring...

Anita-, the all-rounder ;-)

Montag, 9. August 2010

der zukünftige glasmeister von UNIKAL =)

...mein Sohn Elijah

Sonntag, 8. August 2010

trip to venice / murano

Working with the glass master Fabiano Amadi

Tool shop at Roberto Donà

Thunderstorms moves on...

...on the way to Murano

Murano-, a mystical and impressive place!

Main street in Venice =)

They were absolutely fantastic and rewarding days at Venice & Murano

Sonntag, 1. August 2010

marble collaboration the second...

...inspired by John Kobuki-,
Marble Collaboration: Beat Hadorn (CH) & Elias Schwegler-Juen (CH)

...soon more collabs =)

...inspired by Bob Snodgrass-,
Marble Collaboration: Beat Hadorn (CH) & Elias Schwegler-Juen (CH)